#she'd probably be one of those heroes who are super happy to talk to their fans and be super friendly to them haha
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4, 8, 14 For the beloved Cirwedh 🥹
4. Does your OC have a failed friendship or relationship they still think about? What happened? Is it an unresolved regret or is there a chance for reconciliation?
Absolutely LOL. There was no regret or anything though it was mutually beneficial in the end. She was actually supposed to be married at some point before the soulburst made anchors pop up all over. (MARRIED can you believe it LMAO). Arranged marriages aren't super common among Bosmer I imagine (with one of their key values being freedom) but her parents really wanted the security of having their family tied to another since none of her siblings had married by then. She had literally just returned from her ✨11 yrs✨ of self-induced isolation and so as you can imagine being told only a year later that you're probably gonna be married soon was a shock. Cirwedh of course had every intention of going through with it because she wanted her parents to have that security as they got older. It didn't end up happening because the bride-to-be ran off with Cirwedh's sister when she left to join a Herma Mora cult in Reapers March LMAO. There are no hard feelings though, because Cirwedh didn't really want to be married anyway she was only doing it for her parents and bc her brothers wouldn't.
8. What was your OC's most embarrassing moment? Does it still bother them or are they able to shrug it off?
To be honest Cirwedh has had a lot of embarrassing moments but I can't think of any that are more than the others. Shes tripped over her own foot in front of the High King, one time she had bits of Pelidil in her teeth when she spoke to Queen Ayrenn. She lost it and had an emotional breakdown in front of Lyris and Sai during which she swallowed a fly and almost choked. She doesn't deal well with embarrassment overall either. She gets defensive and usually resorts to saying some form of "shut up" because she can't hide the fact she's embarrassed easily and she knows it. The tips of her ears get red and her leaves either get riled up or shit starts growing in her hair LMAO.
14. How important is friendship to your OC? Do they prefer to have one or two close friends or a large group of casual friends? Or do they prefer their own company over that of others?
Cirwedh likes having a few close friends and a collection of trusted acquaintances. Growing up the only friends Cirwedh had were the wild inhabitants of Valenwood like animals and the occasional Spriggan. She didn't talk to any of the other kids in both places she lived before running away because she couldn't control how her magicka reacted to her emotions and was quite volatile despite only wanting to do good and be a spinner LOL. When she got older she made a few good fighting companions in the Vinedusk (most knew of her mother's reputation and wanted to know if Cirwedh was the same) but most people found her too weird tbh LMAO I mean she's hanging off branches making animal noises and takes a giant bear everywhere she goes, and kinda smiles weird (think uncle Pedro from Beverly Hills Chihuahua) since Coldharbour though, and kinda becoming a hero, she has met plenty of people she'd be happy to call friend everywhere she goes. These are more like mutuals tbh! Her real friends though, are few. Those who she trusts wholly and can be her truest self around. Ppl like Lyris and Sai, Gwendis, Eveli, Fenn of course, and a few others (Alethia included 👀)
#YAYY THANK UU#i love u bro these questions were so funnn#cirwedh softgrass#elder scrolls online#eso oc#eso self insert#eso headcanons#not fennwedh#oc asks!!!!
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Hiiii it's me again!
I just wrapped up a full-on binge of your series with Homelander and Layla, and honestly, I've got to get a few things off my chest about these two. I'll try to keep this short, but there's a lot to unpack, and if you're not up for the essay I'm about to write here, feel free to skip it. Starting with Layla's profession — genius. It just clicks, right? With a job like hers, it's totally believable that she'd cross paths with a guy like Homelander. That guy's desperate for any scrap of affection he can get, doesn't really matter if it's genuine or not. And in your story, it feels like we get a dash of both. It's refreshing because usually, OCs just snap their fingers and suddenly, Homelander's all about them, which feels a tad forced.
But Layla? She's different. Their first serious meet-up perfectly demonstrates her patience. And her smarts? She's ten steps ahead, seeing right through Homelander's act — you know the one where he pretends he's too cool for the room. Her ability to play him like a fiddle from the get-go, just by stroking his ego, is just so spot on. It's not just her cunning that stands out, though. Layla knows exactly when to use emotional leverage, she's insightful about Homelander's neediness, hence the booked meeting. She's not your typical 'strong woman' character — thank goodness we're not talking about those overdone, one-dimensional types that come off as watered-down male heroes. Love that she's profoundly intelligent, perceptive, and strategic in her emotional connections. She's an exemplary character not wedged into the role of being “strong” but one who utilizes her understanding and empathy as powerful tools.
I'm sold on her character (if you can't tell.) And I'm really going all out here because as I revisit the first chapters to talk about this, I keep finding new reasons to appreciate her more. I want to dive deeper into my thoughts, but I'm probably just rambling now, so I'll cut myself off. You've single handedly got me working on my personal oc again lmfao. Just a last note, it's cool to see an original character who isn't some superpowered being for a change. It adds layers to the world you've built that I'm just here for. I'm gonna read a few other fics you have linked about your ocs — I came for the x reader fics and stayed for the ocs LOL.
— 💌
you genuinely took my breath away with this! my heart is so full and warm, i could cry. i can't tell you how many times i reread this this morning! i'm very tender-hearted when it comes to my original characters, and i was quite nervous starting an oc fic, but this makes me SO happy that i did!
please don't ever apologize for writing essays like this, i honestly want to print this out and hang it on my wall. thank you SO MUCH for not only reading my fic but taking the time to send me such an incredibly thoughtful message about my girl Layla. it really does mean the world to me!!! and i really can't wait to get back to writing Eat Your Ego.
i'm really happy that she's coming across so well! i knew that i would have to be careful in how i wrote her for the fact that she IS human, and there's a very delicate balance to be had in interacting with Homelander. there's a tension there that yeah, one wrong move and she really and truly has no defense against him aside from her wits, so i needed her empathy and intellect to be sort of a super power of their own.
i was worried she would come across as omniscient or meta, so i tried to lean into the fact that Homelander's ego and power trips really do just have him behaving like the type of men she would regularly encounter in her line of work.
aaahhh, gosh, even responding to this i reread it a whole bunch. thank you so much, darling. i'm going to treasure this message! 🖤
#sorry it took me a bit to respond i was legitimately just so taken aback and smitten hahaha i wanted to write up a proper reply#💌 anon#ask and you shall receive#darling anon#homelander x oc
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Concept: Pro hero Toga AU who receives blood vials from her fans, as they show support for her work, both for infiltration and for using their quirks too
Oh that'd be so good
Like, she's done so much good for the community that the fans are just like "here take my blood, just in case you ever need a quick disguise in missions! ;)"
It'd be like her fans giving back to her, giving thanks to everything she's done
I bet that much trust put into Hero Toga would make her cry, like if she's faced the whole Villain Quirk bullying before. Been told her whole life that she's creepy or that she's bad for having a fascination for blood, told to conform and be normal. It had a big impact on her life and it's taken her years to heal, and she's trying to unlearn all that stuff even now. So to have this happen... she knew she was popular, but to this extent? She's so happy!
And as I just said, she knows she's popular but when you receive a vial of blood and a letter wrapped around it saying something to the effect of "You inspire me, I've been told my quirk is scary my entire life and thought that I could never be a hero with it, but guess what? Now I'm in the hero course! And it's all thanks to you for inspiring me to ignore what people say and carry out my dream!", she's confronted yet again with the fact that she's had this big impact on her fans life's and has to take a second to collect herself
I bet the letters would have descriptions of the quirk too. Toga would have to test them out, train with them, try to get a handle on control while still saving some blood for later (she doesn't want to use up it's intended use after all!)
And maybe she'd have to contact her fans for the more complicated quirks. Like, she'd read their descriptions and how to use them, but some descriptions are unclear or need further explanation, so she sends emails back and forth to chat with the person, get a clearer idea of the quirk
I bet there are also some cases where like. she'll drink a vial of blood, test out the persons quirk and base the training off of the description of the quirk, but smthg happens and it turns out that the quirk! Has many different uses!! Like yeah sure it can do what the explanation said but it turns out that it can also have this effect on this type of opponent or that effect on that environment, which surprises Toga and she has to wonder "Does this fan know what they're quirk can do? Or are they completely unaware of it??"
So yeah. Once again, emails back and forth. Mostly it'll be the case that that fan didn't know their quirk could do that and didn't know because "My only experience with using my quirk was during middle school quirk classes! I'm an office worker so I've never had to use my quirk outside of school😅 Thank you for letting me know, it could be really dangerous if I use it in that environment!😱"
But she'll also get the rare occasion where the blood vial sender literally just forgot their quirk had that effect on certain things, and that case will be because the effect is so so specific that it never came up "apart from that one time in high school but ever since then I thought it would never come up again! I'm sorry!!" to which Toga just has to sigh. She loves her fans but man you'd think they'd mention that (though with quirks becoming more and more complex as the years go by, maybe she can't blame them too much for forgetting)
On a whole other note, I bet there would be some funny moments
Like she's drank the vial of a teenage boy because she spotted a Villain in a mall during patrol and she needs to keep her eye on them. So she's following, waiting to get close enough to arrest them, but then she turns the corner and... it's the teenage boy that gave her his blood! Literally just like this
But she has to keep her eye on the Villain so she just has to give them a grin and a finger to her lips as she passes them. She swears she hears the teenage boy laugh back in disbelief and get his phone ready for the Villain chase
She's had a couple of instances like that where she meets the blood vial donor in person while on a mission or during patrol. There's even a special hashtag on social media (and an album in her phone) dedicated to selfies with her "identical twins", and photographers (as well as civilians) who took photographs of Toga as that person, stood next to them triumphantly while the Villain is being arrested or tied up or smthg. Needless to say, she has fun with it
So yeah. Toga would have so much fun with her fans if they did that, she'd be up for selfies and getting to know her fans
I wonder if there would also be cases where she has to meet up with some of her fans so she can ask further about a quirk or smthg. But idk. She would probably be the type to do that and have one of her friends (like Hero Spinner or her secret Vigilante friend Mr Compress) secretly stalk them to make sure she isn't kidnapped or smthg lol
#thank you for the ask!😊#this was fun to think about#she'd probably be one of those heroes who are super happy to talk to their fans and be super friendly to them haha#asks with metty#bnha asks#anon asks#and it goes on anon anon anon anon#toga himiko
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Hey, small request. How would the marauders feel about a shy hufflepuff wanting to gain their friendship by baking them stuff? Like she'd just approach them and try to say hi and end up giving them the sweets and getting really nervous when she does but she wants to make them happy so they'll be her friends? Sorry if this is too specific, I love your writing!
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Bruh I’d be way too socially awkward to do this heck I’d just live forever knowing that I might have been able to be their friend if I had just talkeD to them instead of sitting aloNe but whatever I’ll do my best :’)
Also I’m gonna combine this with your other request ;)
I think Remus would react the most to the succulents (from your other request)
I think he’d be so touched and be like this,,,,
This is my bab
Is plant bab
And he’d eventually have like a whole arsenal of lil tiny plants and he takes sucH good care of them
One day James accidentally knocks one over and Remus’ wrath is unleashed
He gets so mad
He almost hits James over the head with the pot
But he refrains
He’s like chill,, ur chill
every time you give him a new one or leave it on his desk he’s like aw heck
Want to friend
How friend
So you rope Remus in first
He catches you one morning in a tiny lil garden where you’re groWing these lil babies and he’s like omg there’s so manY
You sit and garden with him for hours oh my god
You end up naming all of the plants
And you inevitably name one of them james and one of them sirius
And you’re like wait!!
I’ll give james and sirius to james and sirius!!
Remus is like they will not survive if you do
you’re so sad but then
Remus decides to take care of plant james and sirius just like he does real james and sirius
So he puts them on his windowsill and waters them when they’re Firsty ™
And James and Sirius always peek at them like,,, where did you get those,,,
Remus is like >:( they not for u
One day Remus is in the great hall and james and sirius are there too because when are they ever not with remus
And Remus sees you coming with your arms full of something
He’s like :o more plAnts??
But then you get there and you just kinda walk up to his side and hand him a tray of cookies
And they’re so cute omg they’re red and gold frosted and he’s like omg :’)
James and Sirius immediately are !!!
Half because visitor and half because sUgAr!!!
James peeks over Remus’ shoulder and looks at you like “who are you???”
Sirius gets up and reaches for one of the cookies and Remus slaps his hand away skjgnadnf Remus is like be p0lite and asK you heathen >:(
Sirius looks at you like :’) plz giv cookie
You nod and he grabs one so excited sdgbkanfadf
James is allowed a cookie too :)
From then one you are
Cookie Puff
Remus is like n0 plant puff and James and Sirius are ??!!
“They gave you the plants??”
Remus nods and James and Sirius feel so betrayed they are like were they,,, scared of us
Remus is eating one of the cookies and is like lol probably y’all are wild
So for the next few weeks whenever they’re outside of the dorm they try to calm themselves as much as possible like James will get an aWeSoMe prank idea but then he’ll look over at you from across the classroom and be like no,,, must refrain,,, do not want to scare
And you notice that they’re not wreaking havoc over the entire school anymore and you see them sitting under a tree on the grounds one day
So you go up to them and you tug out a bag of brownies from your backpack and hold them in front of you like henlo frends hav sweet plz may i sit
James grins at you because he loves brownies more than anything how did you know and is like yEs plz do sit
James starts up a conversation and Sirius prefers to sit back and observe but then you end up making a joke that Sirius did not expect and he was just :o
And James points at him like smh this fool and you kinda giggle and he’s like omg :’) frend :’)
Slowly you start integrating yourself into their circle more and more and then it’s less of you inviting yourself in and more of them being like yes!! There u are!! We were waiting for u!!
And you’re sitting there like :’) I did it
I friend
James is always looking out for you dude like that man has an arm around you 24/7 just in case something happens
Sirius is more subtle in the ways that he looks after you but he’s really talkative once he realizes that you don’t judge him for his family and he likes holding your hand :’)
One time a ravenclaw came up to you like haha loser puff and Sirius broke their jaw :))))
James saw you cry once and omg he still hasn’t recovered
Remus is kinda sad at first because hey!! My friend :(((\
But then when you start spending more and more time with them and he realizes that you didn’t just use him to get to James and Sirius then he’s super happy because omg there’s someone else on his side
James and Sirius go to pull some idiotic prank and you and Remus are like smh we’re not bailing you out again
Except you literally always do smh
Happy birthday love, I hope you enjoyed!
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Stranger Than Fanfiction: Ch 4
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Dean x Reader Warnings: Like one big boy word. Criminal activity. Word count: 3,185. Chapter Summary: Staying late at work is usually nice and quiet. Usually. A/N: This chapter is so dumb but I love it a lot.
Ao3 if you prefer

Y/N would say that one of the perks of her job was getting out of the office from time to time. Sometimes a case required anything from a simple home interview to speaking to several family members over a number of days. She relished in the peace working away from inboxes and water cooler talk however, every once in a while she could find the same serenity in the uniform walls of her employment building. Today was one of those very days. Today she sat at her desk, alone, long past her colleagues' departure at five pm. The overhead lights were off and Y/N, whose fingers sped over the keyboard urgently, was lit only by the cool glow of her screen.
“It’s not super peaceful when you won’t shut up.” As much as you fought becoming complacent to the voice in all honesty you were glad to have her back in some small way. You hadn’t heard her for days now, not since you started reading Supernatural. It’s only now that you’d finished, she was back to her usual tricks. Some ridiculous ten-minute lecture about you waking up late for work was your reunion this morning. While it was true that you were very late for work today—two hours to be precise—she didn’t once mention that it was because of your late-night finishing off Swan Song.
That wasn’t too concerning. The voice ignoring your reading habits was minor in comparison to her being back at all. Her return meant your aneurysm hadn't been temporary and you were closer to one of two things. Solving the mystery of why Maggie Hall’s file was so important, or dying.
Obviously, option number one was preferable.
After an entire day of her, you have fallen completely into accepting that she's not going away anytime soon. For the most part, you have let her harp on like she’s looking for a book deal but now that you’re alone and trying to concentrate, you find yourself responding to her. For your own satisfaction of answering back.
She was feeling productive. Each word she wrote punctuated by the precise click of her fingers on the keyboard. A familiar sense of achievement swelled within her chest as she began to summarise her decision on the claim. Summaries are nothing more than detailed endings, which is why Y/N was particularly excited to be writing this one. More so than any other claim she had finished up before.
An ending was exactly what she was hoping for. The unusual situations she had found herself in over the last few days were too messy for even her to organize. Tangled up like a ball of string after being batted around by a cat. Logically then she was focusing on the only thing that made sense, tie up one loose end and the others would right themselves. Finish this piece of work and maybe she'd live.
How unfortunate then for Y/N that the universe did not look kindly upon her attempts to be orderly. How utterly unlucky that she had not guessed any of the answers correctly. Today was not fated to hold any happy endings for her. Not the closing of file twenty-four zero one, nor the reasonable explanations she had been searching for.
Your fingers stutter to a stop. What the hell does she mean you weren’t closing this claim? You are ten minutes of proofreading away from pressing submit, you had stayed late to finish. At this point, it would take an act of God himself to stop you.
That’s when you see a flash of light coming from reception. Flash is vague. A beam of light might be a better description, as in, the kind of beam emitted by a flashlight. Wait, there are two flashlights now. Oh shit.
Suddenly you taste bile in your throat and your hands are clammy enough to be sticky. The voice said this case would kill you and now you’re sitting here working late, and she’s saying you weren’t going to close it and… and… is it going to happen now? You’d assumed it was something in the file that killed you but you’d also assumed you had more time. Really, truly, this could be it. Imminent death means about to happen, not will happen when it’s convenient for you. This is it, isn’t it? You’re about to be accidentally murdered in an office robbery because you stayed to work late. On that particular file.
She was not prepared to die. Not while there still wasn’t a grey hair on her head or while she hadn’t been to the Grand Canyon. Y/N had no preparations for the end.
No. Not now. It couldn’t be.
She had no will, no funeral plans, and no video message to her family about a series of clues leading to a great treasure. And on Wednesday night, early June with spring barely making way for summer was the last possible moment she would ever expect to meet her maker.
You want to hide but it’s impossible. Hiding would require you to have some control over your body. An impossible feat, while you're listening with bated breath to what you assume, is your last paragraph.
Obviously, Y/N would not be dying tonight.
“Are you joking? How is that obvious?” You whisper into the dark, edging into frustration. Barely enjoying the relief of not dying when your narrator is toying with you.
She still had a new life to begin. One which began and ended with two men that had left as quickly as she'd met them. Fate has a perverted sense of humor and had chosen to push her forward into the unknown. This is why these important men were breaking into her office at precisely that moment.
The footsteps of the intruders get closer. You don’t have a direct view of reception but you’d seen the flashlights on account of it being dark in here. They sound like they're near reception, maybe twenty seconds from coming in. Once they’re in the main part of the office then all they’d have to do is turn a little to their left and they’d spot you. In the corner hanging out.
But it’s the guys breaking in? The cosplayers. They’re the wannabe Winchester’s who have turned to robbery to get their kicks?
You don’t know if it's actually them, not really. Not until they do take those last steps into the room but you hear them before you see them.
“Remind me why you haven't done some nerd computer thing to get this?”
“I already tried, remember? Their system says it’s still in process so none of the details are on their servers yet. And since we need to find out where the money went…”
“... we need to get the physical file. Got it.” Mystery man number one sighs before he continues, “S’no fun killing a monster if you don’t have to work for it.”
A monster? It’s almost impressive how much these guys committed to whatever insane game they're playing. Almost being the keyword. These guys were genuinely crazy, and that was coming from someone with an unexplainable voice in her head.
Y/N finally overcame the initial wave of fear that had hit her when the flashlights had cut through the darkness. She reached up and shut off the monitor on her desk, the last thing that had been lighting her up like a Christmas tree. Her laptop was still running in its dock, she had no intention of losing all her work. She only wanted to lose herself, hide, snuffing out the screen, and rolling her chair backward seemed to do the trick. She felt safer already. Her heartbeat returning to something akin to its normal steady rhythm now that she was cloaked in darkness. As soon as they were distracted she might even be able to risk slinking to the floor and hiding below her desk. It wasn’t a risk she was willing to take right now though, while they were still on high alert having just arrived.
You’re grateful that the voice is playing ball and giving you some useful information. It’s completely new, having so far only heard ominous foreshadowing and cryptic introductions, but it’s nice. Dare you say it, fun. For once in this whole ordeal, you actually feel like you’re in a story while you do exactly what she says. You sneak the smallest smile when you see their large shadows, finally step into the office. This might be where you have some luck on your side.
“You check out the desks, I’ll go find the filing cabinets.” It’s pretty hard to make out with their backs to you but you’d wager it was the taller shadow that said that.
The same bigger shadow starts walking towards the back of the office. He doesn’t know he’s heading towards the break room, although he probably thinks he has all night to figure it out. He can have all the time he wants as soon as you’re under your desk. Once you’re properly out of the way you look forward to not interrupting them as a stupid person might. You were perfectly ok with not being a hero.
Of course, she was not accustomed to the cat and mouse game of breaking and entering. Y/N was not used to dark corners and darker rooms. And since she hadn’t used one since the last time her power went out, she seemed to have forgotten how flashlights worked as well.
“What?” you splutter. Faith in the voice shattered in an instant.
In the next second, you’re blinded by a light in your eyes, you reach up to block it out but as you do his voice booms out. “Sam! We got company.”
The tall guy comes running and now there are two lights in your face.
“Do you think we could not blind me?” They start lowering their flashlights when the other shoe drops, “wait, Sam? You-you’re using the names too?” It shouldn’t shock you, they’re driving the car and wearing the flannel clearly, they’re adopting the names too. But until now you’d been able to compartmentalize the books you’d read and the men that drove around in a car with the Winchesters fictional license plate.
Coming face to face with them she feels completely different now. The territory is hers; her office, her desk, her mug with her name on. The problem; this was not her game, it was theirs. Y/N was simply working late whereas they were more adept at the after-hours version of this story. She might think they were delusional but this wasn’t the first crime she had them on the hook for. She could only imagine the hundreds, if not thousands, of other illegal activities they had gotten away with, all to play pretend.
“Nobody was supposed to be here.” The guy pretending to be Sam says to the guy who you can only imagine is pretending to be Dean.
“Well, there she is anyway.” Wannabe Dean huffs, both angry and disappointed at the same time. “But hey, maybe this can speed everything along, no more looking around in the dark at least.”
They’re both very good at talking about you while simultaneously ignoring you. Neither of them even flinch when you get up out of your chair and walk over to the light switch.
The room flooded with light like any room would when a switch is flipped, however, this wasn’t any kitchen light switch. The office is a large space and the fluorescents required to illuminate it are industrial. It’s enough to pain anyone's eyes with how sharply their pupils contract. Unless you are the one pressing the switch in the first place. It was Y/N’s hand flipping the four switches required and so her eyes were closed in preparation. However the mystery men had been seconds from bickering so they jerk their heads as if trying to escape the inescapable, like it's the first time they've ever seen anything so bright. Y/N felt wholly better with the heat on her closed eyelids. Because she knew when she opened them the office would hers again, the control would be hers.
When you dare to look they both whip their heads to you, shocked that you’ve moved. You’ve managed to find an ounce of confidence in the light, or if you believe the voice in your head, a whole gallon. “I don’t know what game you’re playing pretending to be people, first at the house and now this. I didn’t tell anyone about this,” you motion a hand at where they're standing, “clearly that was my mistake. So, uh-just get out of here and I won’t say anything else about it.”
“Sweetheart, we ain’t playing games here and we ain’t leaving.”
He steps towards you, a finger pointing to the floor to reiterate that he’s staying put. You wrongly assumed this would be as easy as it had been at Mrs. Halls when they'd run so quickly, forgetting that you'd had an audience there.
“You are if you don’t want me to call down to security. I’m sure the cops would love a case like this—there’s an eyewitness!”
Y/N would never in a million years be able to describe where the sudden anger that consumed her had come from. She was hardly an agitated person. She could be sad or sarcastic, she’d been known to give a measured but scathing comeback and some would even call her curious. That’s not to say she’d never been angry, she had, but anger was never the first thing she chose to be, or feel. It was always such a demanding emotion. So, then this agitation was almost foreign to her and the way it forced her hand, more so.
“Maybe we should…” Not Sam starts before he’s interrupted.
“No Sam. We need that file if we’re going to stop this thing and right now this is our only option.” He points at you now signaling that you are the ‘this’ part of his sentence; their only option.
In another life, she might have rolled over rather than stare down the barrel of this argument. She might have seen the opportunity to get rid of them by giving them something small, like say confidential information, and done it without question. This was not her old life, nor the old Y/N. This was the new life she hadn’t realized was starting. The funny thing was she hadn’t needed to know. All she’d needed was this man in front of her to force her into a rage and as if by magic, she had begun to transform.
You push past fake Dean to make your way back to your desk, “that’s not happening. All client information is property of First National which means it isn’t mine to give. Not to mention the fact that you didn’t say please.”
Her shoulder connects with his and it's the exact moment she realizes how close he was standing to her. He realizes the same. He’s close enough to grab her and spin her around but Y/N's body shudders tellingly with his fingers pressing into the flesh of her forearm.
“I don’t know what kind of power trip you think you're on but..." He grits through his teeth still holding you.
“Dean, can you calm down?”
The breaking point of your anger turns into a sardonic laugh aimed at him. “You too?” You pull your arm away and get back to your chair. “I can’t get normal criminals breaking in while I’m working late? It has to be two weirdos running around pretending to be the Winchesters.”
It’s clear immediately that you’ve said something neither of them was expecting. You’re sitting at your desk waiting for one of them to stop you from picking up the phone, while they don’t seem to even notice your hand is on the receiver.
“How do you know that? I mean, how do you know about us?” The tall guy that you refuse to call Sam, even in your head, asks.
Two pairs of eyes bore into you waiting for an answer and for some reason your hand goes lax on the phone. “I ran your plate from outside Mrs. Halls because you don’t work with me. And I found these books but I mean, why are you even driving around with fake plates from some books anyway?”
It was a simple question that you were hoping had a simple answer, you know, fanboys or something. Instead of any answer at all, they start having one of those lovely conversations that excludes your existence, again.
“Goddamn son of a bitch, we’ve got to get rid of those things.”
“Charlie said there’s no point now they’re online. How would we even start? Great example right here.”
“So what? We just roll over and die?”
Tall guy, not Sam, takes a reassuring step to fake Dean which means he takes a step away from you and your desk. “This might be a good thing ok, if she knows she can help us track it.”
You refuse to believe it because it’s ridiculous. Those books are works of fiction and there’s no possible way they are real. Because if the books are true then that means monsters are… nope. You live alone so there’s definitely no way. But you should clarify. Even if it’s a thousand percent the most ridiculous thing you have ever heard, you should still double-check.
“Are you trying to say that you’re actually Sam and Dean? Like, you think you’re Sam and Dean from the books?”
It’s scarily-similar-to-the-description-of-Dean who leans in with both hands flat on your desk and growls. “Honey, we don’t think okay, we are them. I’m Dean and this is Sam, and those books you decided to read? Yeah, they’re about us.”
“But that means monsters are…”
“Real. Monsters, angels, and everything between.”
She may not have known about the ticking clock already counting down the remaining seconds of her young life. She may mistakenly have thought that her newfound temper was the reason for her flushed cheeks. She did know one thing for sure. One completely life-changing fact with absolute certainty, because that fact was staring at her with more intensity than she'd ever known. A man named Dean Winchester just told her that every terrifying monster she could imagine was real.
The voice in your head, unfortunately, had not been wrong yet.

Continue to Chapter 5.

5eva tags: @divadinag @darthdeziewok @fluentinfiction @witch-of-letters @supernatural-teamfreewillpage @magnitude101999 @alexwinchester23 Dean babes: @thewinchesterchronicles @akshi8278 @bloodydaydreamer StrangerThanFiction tags: @jaylarkson
#dean x reader#supernatural fanfiction#spn x reader#dean winchester x reader#spn fanfiction#supernatural#spn#spn fanfic#supernatural fanfic#dean winchester#dean winchester x you#dean x you#dean x y/n#dean dean the soft lil bean
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What the absolute HELL do you think you're wearing.
It's my new Costume, Devil! Like it? I'm the Voice of Virtue!
You look like a shepard, but if instead of being livestock sheep were bred for the circus.
Honestly...I think you look like an early-era Magical Girl who got a few frilly upgrades too many.
Well, I think this is my best Costume yet.
YOUR OTHER COSTUMES ARE A BEDSHEET AND UNDEATH, AND BOTH OF THEM ARE BETTER THAN WHATEVER THE HELL THIS IS! Hell, my Costume looks better! And this is supposed to be a prize for the GCL!?
That's absolutely correct!

The second Grand Champions League has begun! If you've received a ticket from the past few Seasons, you'll be eligible to enter! Even if you haven't, you can still run each course to clear the Cheer Missions within, and vote for the rounds' winners with bonbons!
Hey, can I drop out? For, uh...reasons?
No. You'll have to be eliminated in the next round.
Other participants are added in real time as they redeem their tickets. Be sure to do so before Round 1 ends! Oh, and be sure to check out the new Costumes, too!
Costumes? Plural? Oh no....

Aw, you just had to drag the protagonists into this, didn't you?
I didn't drag them, Devil. Look how happy they are!
Okay, MILK looks happy, considering he's just a ripoff of you, but Yam is definitely dying inside, and I'm pretty sure Brave's getup isn't even in the game!
Now, you aren't just limited to getting them as prizes- you can also draw them from the new Costume Gacha!

That's right! There's now a Costume Gacha, containing almost every Costume in the game; even limited-time ones like the Isle of Memories debut Costumes!
So now if I wanna get a Costume, I don't even know which one I'm paying for?
Correct! Exciting, isn't it?
There are also tiers now that are determined based on the Costume's Special Effect. Super Epic is normally reserved for Legendaries, but my new Costume is also in that tier.
Is there even a difference between Epics and Legendaries anymore?
Epics are stronger, actually.
Says the one Epic in the room.
Oh! There's also the new Cookie to talk about!
Yeah! Show me Peach so I can kick her ass for stealing my thunder!!!

...Wait, who the hell is this guy!? Did they actually just confirm Peach and then shove her aside?
This is Plum Cookie! He's Peach's fellow apprentice under Master Prune, and the two treat each other like siblings, if they aren't already.
Y'know, there's a such thing as sworn siblings, too. Not that they DON'T look related.
His power is similar to Peach's or Onion's: he moves to an area with plenty of rocks to destroy for points. When he reaches the end, he stops running and-
Wait wait wait. He stops running!?
Yes, and he takes the time to pulverize a large rock with a flurry of blows, gaining a large amount of points in the process.
Sort of like the bonus levels in those old fighting games, right?
Like Angel would know...
He's also very diligent, and doesn't tolerate slacking off, much to Peach's dismay.
She doesn't have to take that from a guy who thinks this game is Cookie STOP!
As for Master Prune, he's one of the very first martial arts masters in the Cookie World, and an equally diligent teacher to his students.
Wait, how does he teach martial arts without any limbs?
Probably verbally. Some people actually learn that way, Devil.
Yeah, Angel, some people do!
He also holds a secret technique that allows him to fire a potent beam of energy from his equally potent mustache. It's rumored that of the Cookies, only the mighty General Jujube has mastered this technique.
Between that and Prophet's fortunes, mustaches hold a lot of power. Wish I could grow one without having to overhaul my suit...
I'll say! I can't even grow hair on my head!
Your face is ON your head, Devil.

Plum also has a new outfit perfect for summer!
How the hell can you be disciplined if you wear a Hawaiian shirt? I mean, someone can discipline YOU, but...
...Hero, why are you giving that look?
...I may have briefly thought he wasn't wearing pants in that picture.

Here's the new Treasure, as well. The Scroll of Guidance! It'll give you goals for your training!
So basically, you don't know what it does and you're just reading off the display.
Whatever, just draw it and figure it out, I guess.
...Oh! I almost forgot! The GCL is having a fireworks show this season!

Watch the fireworks with Purple Yam and Milk, and complete those Cheer Missions to light up the sky!
How the hell'd you get Cherry to-...nevermind, her taste is just as bad as yours.
She's amazing at making fireworks, though! If only she'd start a business instead of focusing on...more destructive implements...
You want an eight-year-old to open a business?
Roll Cake started his demolition company at around that age, didn't he.
That's not a company, he just busts through traffic and breaks stuff!
You'd be surprised what's legal in this Kingdom.
Well, maybe you should stop focusing on the "legal" and start focusing on what's right, huh, Hero?
I'm NOT going to quit stopping you from doing your more dangerous "pranks", Devil.
Ahem...that's the end of our episode. Until next time, everyone...
And don't forget to look out for the gift codes hidden in the GCL! There's four characters on each stage!
#cookie run#heaven n' hell#plum cookie#angel cookie#devil cookie#hero cookie#purple yam cookie#milk cookie
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